Billion Road Xbox Disc (2025)

1. Billion Road - Acttil

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  • Billion Road Official Website

2. Billion Road (Limited Run Games) (Nintendo Switch) kopen - Nedgame

  • Je doel in Billion Road is vrij eenvoudig: door heel Japan reizen en meer geld verdienen dan wie dan ook! Je verdient geld door te landen op vastgoedpleinen met ...

  • Je doel in Billion Road is vrij eenvoudig: door heel Japan reizen en meer geld verdienen dan wie dan ook!
    Je verdient geld door te landen op vastgoedpleinen met investeringsmogelijkheden, zoals een sushi-restaurant in Ginza of een animatiewinkel in Akihabara. Nadat u heeft geïnvesteerd, moet u wachten tot maart om die investeringen te laten renderen. Wees in de tussentijd op je hoede voor dwalende monsters die je met rijkdom kunnen overladen... of een moersleutel in je plannen gooien! Je kunt ook extra geld verdienen door op itemvierkanten te landen, die je kunnen helpen je eigen doelen te bereiken of gewoon de plannen van je rivalen verpesten. Als je het spel met het meeste geld voltooit... win je!

3. Billion Road Review - Bonus Stage

4. Billion Road - Nintendo Switch

  • Welkom bij Billion Road, een Fantastische en vrolijke game die je meeneemt op een spannende reis door Japan! In deze unieke partygame draait alles om plezier, ...

  • Billion Road beoordelingen, geheimen, cheats, lage prijzen en veel meer. Je vindt de Billion Road All-in-1 op Mario Switch!

5. Billion Road Reviews - Metacritic

  • Billion Road makes an intriguing pitch: to combine Monopoly and Pokémon into a family-friendly digital board game. With its bright presentation, varied ...

  • The core objective in Billion Road is pretty straightforward—travel all across Japan and earn more money than anyone else. You earn money by landing on property squares with investment opportunities, like a sushi restaurant in Ginza or an animation goods store in Akihabara. After you invest, you’ll have to wait until March rolls around for those investments to pay off. In the meantime, be on the lookout for errant monsters that may shower you with riches...or throw a wrench in your plans! You can also earn extra money by landing on item squares, which can either help you reach your own goals or simply ruin your rivals’ plans. If you finish the game with the most win.

6. Billion road / Limited run games / Switch - Collector Vault Store

  • Billion road / Limited run games / Switch. Regular price: €50,00. Sale price: €50,00; Regular price. Sale Sold out. Unit price: /per. Tax included.

  • Billion road / Limited run games / Switch

7. Billion Road – Review - Higher Plain Games

  • Billion Road is a fascinating and colourful digital board game styled game for PC and Switch that could best be described as 'if Monopoly had Kaiju's and it ...

  • Race for Japan: Dice Monster Edition

8. Billion Road [Limited Run Games] - Nintendo Switch

  • There are hidden playable maps like the Monster Island. Show Your Friends Who's Boss! Play with your buddies locally! Family friendly game that can teach ...

  • There are hidden playable maps like the Monster Island. Show Your Friends Who’s Boss! Play with your buddies locally! Family friendly game that can teach kids the importance of investments! Brains, Bravado, and Lucky Breaks! Dice and random events will help decide your fate...but you’ll also need to invest wisely, take

9. Billion Road (Switch) - Limited Run Games

  • The core objective in Billion Road is pretty straightforward—travel all across Japan and earn more money than anyone else. You earn money by landing on ...

  • Billion Road on physical cartridge for the Nintendo Switch. Region free.  This release is not a part of the Limited Run Games Collection and is not a numbered release. We are distributing this title on behalf of Acttil. Missing out on this release will not compromise a complete Limited Run set. The core objective in Bi

Billion Road Xbox Disc (2025)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.